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Cat Van Loi produces high-quality wire mesh cable trays

Đánh giá: (Tốt) (Báo cáo) - Người đăng: Nguyen Minh Duy

CVL wire mesh trays by the Cat Van Loi brand have a simple design, lightweight, low cost, and
have high load-bearing capacity. The wire mesh cable tray with high applicability and many
advantages is a useful product and solution for the industrial sector. The electrical wire mesh
cable tray is widely used in large-scale manufacturing plants, not only in Vietnam but also in many
other countries around the world.

The electrical wire mesh cable tray is made from high-strength steel, welded into the mesh, and
then bent into a suitable shape to support various types of cables during use. During construction,
wire mesh trays are often used to replace steel conduit and cable trays in cases where the cable
volume is large or where cable routing needs to be easily defined. They are also used in high-
temperature environments where heat dissipation is required for cables.

Wire mesh cable trays ensure safety for cables and construction workers by eliminating the risk of
cable damage such as tearing or scratching and providing good heat dissipation and easy
cleaning. As a result, they are widely used in electrical systems for various projects.

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