T3 Architects Vietnam
T3 Architects is a leading Ho-Chi-Minh-City-based design firm focused on sustainable architecture & contemporary interior design. Our mission ? Create value through sustainability.
We believe that the strength of our practice is based on the quality of our people and the clients that we work for, who enable us to create successful projects.
A key difference between T3 Architects and other design firms is our vision based on 4 fundamentals.
• Sustainability :
Design buildings where people can live in harmony with the local environment and nature, in a healthy way.
• Creativity :
Creativity can transform a space into an attractive and unique experience, an experience that stays in our memory.
• Wellness :
Meaningful and thoughtful design creates harmony between people and the space they live in.
• Know-how :
Knowledge give us the capability of bringing the functional and the beautiful together in perfect unison.
We work as our client's trusted advisor to employ design that respect these fundamentals and meet their business objectives.
Our design is a strategic asset for our clients' businesses, and we pride ourselves on our ability to utilize sustainable design and contemporary interior design as tools to enhance value.
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